Associate Professor in Cultural History at the University of Portsmouth.
Exploring women's cultural history of the twentieth century.
Recent works
Until fairly recently, women’s magazines were thought of as ephemeral entertainment, at best, or as consumption-driven vehicles for capitalist indoctrination, at worst.
While magazines in general have long been understood as a significant force in women's lives, many critiques have limited themselves to discussions of mainstream printed publications that engage with narrowly stereotypical representations of femininity.
This important time in women’s history is revisited in this collection, which looks afresh at the diversity of the movement and the ways in which feminism of the time might be reconsidered and historicised. The contributions here cover a range of important issues, including feminist art, local activism, class distinction, racial politics, perceptions of motherhood, girls’ education, feminist print cultures, the recovery of feminist histories and feminist heritage, and they span personal and political concerns in Britain, Canada and the United States.
This book makes an important intervention in the field of 1970s history. It is edited and introduced by Laurel Forster and Sue Harper, both experienced writers, and the book comprises work by both established and emerging scholars. Overall it makes an exciting interpretation of a momentous and colourful period in recent culture.
“If you’re a recipe reader . . . you’ll find plenty of insights and substantial exploration within the pages of The Recipe Reader.” ―Gastronomica
Other works
The main aim of this project was to document the activism of women in the Portsmouth area by interviewing women from a range of backgrounds and with different interests in community issues.
The plaque celebrates the work of those involved in the project of “Women’s Activism in Portsmouth from 1960s: a Hidden History of a Naval Town”. And what the project sought to uncover was the varied work of women from diverse backgrounds, who lived in the Portsmouth area, and who contributed to the life of the city in some way.
Dr Laurel Forster and the Lady Mayoress of Portsmouth at the unveiling of the plaque for the Portsmouth Women's history project in the Guildhall Square
FoodCiTi is a research centre with a particular interest in interdisciplinary projects about food, health and sustainability. We are researchers with a diverse range of interests, publications and research projects.
But how do feminist magazines themselves facilitate these conversations? This was the overarching question posed at Five Leaves Bookshop in Nottingham for a Feminist Book Fortnight event “The Tide Comes in: Feminist Magazines, Past and Present” on 24 May 2022.