Research Projects

An introduction

Of particular importance in Laurel Forster's research is the way women's lives in the real world relate to texts and printed matter. Her interest in women's magazines, particularly those that have a political edge or are overtly feminist, has led to numerous publications, talks and a project of local recovery of feminist grassroots activism and history. Laurel is interested in women's writing and the representation of women in a range of  media forms including magazines, television, film and radio. This interest has led to research projects in domesticity, including the cookbook and its place in women's lives and her current project is based on the political underpinnings of domestic sewing cultures and magazines. 

Women's Magazines

Laurel Forster's interest in the political power of magazines started with her thesis on May Sinclair (University of Sussex 2000). Here she unearthed a very serious feminist writer who was publishing her work in diverse journals and papers, ranging from the serious New York Times and English Review to the more popular Women at Home and Good Housekeeping (see Forster 'May Sinclair, Magazine Writer' in Binkes and Snyder 2019).

Contemplating the power of women's magazines to inform and communicate with women directly, has formed a huge part of Forster's academic work. Her monograph, Magazine Movements (2015), takes the pieced together form of the magazine and considers it across a variety of genres, from print to broadcast, including television and radio. Her current project on the place of craft magazines in women's lives continues this work. 

Recovering Portsmouth's Hidden Feminisms  

Women's Community Activism in Portsmouth

Cookbook Cultures

Join the UK’s most unique food research team and guests to explore, debate and answer some of the biggest questions facing society’s use of food. We invite industry, campaigners, government and academics but most of all anyone with an interest in how we choose to eat impacts our environment, on a quest to develop a sustainable future for our food system.

History of Feminism in Portsmouth